Unveiling the Rich Heritage of Moroccan Wood Art and Craft at the Nejjarine Museum

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Explore the Nejjarine Museum of Wooden Arts & Crafts - A Treasure of Moroccan Heritage

The Nejjarine Museum is located in Fez's ancient medina. It's a shining example of Morocco's rich tradition of woodworking. This museum is located in the busy Place an-Nejjarine (also known as the carpenters corner) and invites visitors into the world of woodcraft, which has been refined over the centuries.

Architectural splendor and historical significance

The museum is located in a caravanserai (fondouk) from the 17th century, originally built in 1711 for merchants to store and sell their goods while staying in the upper rooms. The museum opened in 1998 after extensive restorations. This architectural jewel was preserved and transformed into a cultural landmark.

The fondouk is an example of Moroccan architecture with its central courtyard and intricately carved arches that lead to different exhibit rooms. The courtyard was once a bustling place with travelers and merchants, but now it is a peaceful space where visitors can admire the beautiful decorations and scales that were used by traders.

A Celebration of Woodcraft

The Nejjarine Museum displays an impressive collection that spans centuries of Moroccan craftsmanship. The exhibits include intricately carved chests, ornate doors, traditional tools, chunky beads and musical instruments.

The history of carpentry in Morocco dates back to pre-Islamic periods. This journey is highlighted in the museum, which shows how woodcarving evolved from a functional craft to an artistic endeavor. The use of woods like cedar and thuya to make furniture, household objects, decorative items and religious artifacts, such as prayer beads and minbars, is a common practice.

Interactive Experiences & Workshops

The Nejjarine Museum offers workshops that are led by experts. The hands-on sessions give participants the opportunity to learn wood carving techniques and gain insight into the intricate techniques passed down from generation to generation. Observing the skilled craftsmen in action, visitors can understand how this timeless art is defined by precision and dedication.

A Multisensory Journey

The museum offers a multisensory experience to its visitors. The cedarwood scent fills the air and evokes a sense tradition and history. The sounds of carvings echo in the halls creating a lively environment that connects the past and the present. The immersive environment makes every visit not only an educational experience, but also a connection with the cultural heritage of Morocco.

Visit the Museum

The Nejjarine Wooden Arts & Crafts Museum is open daily from 10am to 5:30pm and offers a rich experience for everyone. Entrance is only 20 dirhams for each person, which makes it an affordable cultural experience. The museum is located within the old medina which can be difficult to navigate. Booking a guided tour or renting a car with Thrifty Maroc can help.

Supporting local artists

The museum is also a key player in the preservation and promotion of traditional Moroccan woodworking methods. It ensures the survival of this important craft through its workshops, lectures and demonstrations. The museum's gift shop offers unique souvenirs that allow visitors to bring a piece Moroccan artistry back home, while also supporting local artisans.


The Nejjarine Museum of Wooden Arts & Crafts in Fez is more than an exhibition space. It is a tribute to the creativity, skill and heritage of Moroccan woodworkers. This museum is a must for anyone interested in history, art, or just curious about the woodcraft of Morocco.